Flood alleviation by gabions

For erosion and flood alleviation, gabion structures can be built with speed and economy in all circumstances and are particularly suitable for landslide control in mountainous countries and in areas with persistently bad ground conditions.

Gabions for protection against erosion and floods

Where ground is liable to subside, the capacity of gabions to deform makes them preferable to a concrete wall which would crack and collapse. In addition to the distinct structural advantages over concrete and other non-porous gravity wall structures, the potential to vegetate a standard gabion basket or wire faced wall offers unique landscaping potential as well.

BLOCK-FACED WALLS: Modular block-faced walls combine modular gabions systems baskets with our exclusive companion product, Ragazzo Blocks.

CHANNEL LININGS: Flood control channels are constructed for the purpose of conveying heavy storm water flows through and from areas which otherwise would be inundated.

Gabions for protecting against erosion

HEADWALLS & CULVERT OUTLETS: High velocity discharges make scour and erosion protection essential at the headwalls and culvert outlets.

DROP STRUCTURES & WIERS: Drop structures, weirs or check flow dams, are physical impediments constructed in a water course to reduce water velocity and sediment downstream.

Gabions for alleviating floods


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