Environmental Services - Waste To Energy

Convert waste to energy with Citadel Environmental Services

Biocat OSAA W is a natural bioactive additive which increases anaerobic biogas production.

It is now operational at 25 AD plants in many countries e.g. Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Slovenia, Netherlands, Czech Republic and the UK.

Licencees in each country are currently sharing the benefits of the brand with operators of the plants. The benefits include increasing biogas production whilst improving stability and reducing both cycle time and odours.

Increased biogas production of at least 10% has been made in each anearobic digestion plants. Additional benefits to biogas generation have been improved stability,  more complex feed-stocks, reduced cycle time, increased loading, reduced organic content of waste.

Citadel BioCat+™ is a bioactive solution produced by the fermentation of natural plant material including marine organisms. Developed from years of experimentation and development.

A cocktail comprising micro-organisms, micro-nutrients, co-factors and phages (also known as bacteriophage):

Micro-organisms including naturally occurring bacteria, crenarchaeota and euryarchaeota from both land and marine sources. Most species are not identified being un-culturable as isolates, but their extent can be determined by 16S rDNA analysis.

The product enhances the performance of indigenous micro-organisms elevating their metabolism due to the fermentation products, micro-nutrients and co-factors. We refer to them as affecters. Increased metabolism leads to faster waste break-down and reduced biological sludge production.




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